Education Foundation of Niagara

Host an Event

Have fun while raising funds! Consider hosting a third-party event in support of the Foundation!


Third-Party Fundraising Policies, Criteria & Guidelines

Thank you for choosing the Education Foundation of Niagara as your first stop to better our school community. All of us at the Foundation are committed to making your experience with us seamless and enjoyable. This document outlines Foundation policies, guidelines, and frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Foundation’s third-party fundraising and fundraising events.

Firstly, let’s get your creative juices flowing. Here is a list of fundraising ideas we recommend:

  • Marathons, half-marathons, and related events: enter a race and find sponsors to cheer you on.
  • Sport-themed event: have friends place bets on their favourite sports teams.
  • Community social, fair, or carnival—setup a fun day of carnival games and treats.
  • Large dinner party: charge per plate.
  • Block party: rally the neighbours and host a massive party.
  • BBQ Contest: host a battle of grills.
  • Garage or yard sale: get rid of unwanted clutter. Sell your unwanted items and donate the proceeds to the Foundation.
  • Birthday or retirement party—in lieu of gifts.
  • Wedding—in lieu of favours. 

In accordance with Revenue Canada (CRA) guidelines and for the benefit of the Foundation, the Education Foundation of Niagara has created the following policies:


Third Parties are asked to:

  • Be consistent with the Foundation’s mission, vision, and values.
  • Maintain the positive image that our volunteers and staff take pride in.
  • Acquire the necessary licenses and permits, if need be. 

There are three (3) easy steps to start making a difference in your school community.

  1. The Education Foundation of Niagara requests four (4) weeks’ notice of third-party fundraising events.
  2. Please complete the Third Party Fundraising Application Form and submit it for approval.
  3. Once the event has been approved, third parties will be sent a notification of approval to be signed and returned to the Foundation no later than two (2) weeks before the event. 

The Executive Director (or designate) for the Education Foundation of Niagara will approve a third-party fundraising event and sign the Third Party Fundraising Agreement based on compliance with the criteria above.


The following guidelines are not intended to restrict the creativity and passion of our generous third-party sponsors; however, they should be taken as measures to ensure the safety and standards of the Foundation, its volunteers, and staff.

1. Branding & Marketing

  • Company Name: In any promotional materials or other materials, third parties are required to refer to the Foundation as the Education Foundation of Niagara.
  • Logo and Logo Use: Please consult the Education Foundation of Niagara’s Executive Director or assigned staff prior to the use and presentation of the Foundation’s name or logo. The use of the company logo must be approved prior to public presentation.
  • Promotional Material: The Foundation will have final approval for all promotional materials used for the event (i.e. brochures, flyers, advertisements, newsletters, media communication, etc.).
  • Marketing: Third-party organizers are encouraged to use positive marketing and public relations exposure when promoting their event.

2. Donations & Sponsorship

Third parties are asked to provide a list of sponsors and contact information (i.e. email or phone number). This in turn aids the Foundation and helps us recognize our partners within the community. The Education Foundation of Niagara will not solicit sponsors on behalf of the Third Party.

3. Staffing & Volunteers

Third-party organizers are asked to provide the necessary staffing and recruitment of volunteers for the fundraising event.

4. Financing & Insurance

The Foundation will not underwrite any third-party event. The Foundation’s insurance will not cover any third-party events.

5. Accountability

Third-party event organizers will:

  • Provide reasonable notice for any third-party event cancellations.
  • Inform the Foundation if the third-party event will benefit any other charity partners.
  • Will be responsible for any financial losses or unsettled accounts.

6. Lottery Licenses


Third-party events involving special permits, licenses, and fees will conform to government regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the third-party event organizers to fill out and submit all applications. Third-party event organizers are also responsible for paying the fees for said licenses.

7. Liquor Permit

  • Third-party organizers are asked to provide a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) form from the LCBO if the organizers are running the bar.
  • The permit must be obtained and held by the individual(s) holding the event.
  • All regulations regarding the liquor permit are enforced.

8. Photographs

The Foundation reserves the right to display any photos or comments from individuals attending third-party events on the website, Facebook page, newsletter, brochures, and/or any other promotional materials.